Using Visual Studio Code for Java EE Development

I have created two new videos on using Visual Studio Code for your Java EE development.In this video, I review configuring VS Code for development and management of your Wildfly server. And in this video we take this to another level with Remote [...]

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Java EE Introduction Video

A while back I published a video as an introduction to CDI, JPA and JSF in the Java EE framework. Let me know what you think and if you would like to see more [...]

Primefaces: Displaying Tabs with Validation Errors

I've been working on a page that makes use of the PrimeFaces TabView and ran into a problem with presenting validation errors. When a validation error occurs on submission on [...]

Add Sort Index Indicators to Primefaces Multi-Sort DataTables

The primefaces DataTable is a powerful component and probably the most widely used component in our enterprise application development. One of the features is the [...]

Enabling a UUID Generator in JPA

Occasionally I prefer to use UUIDs for my primary keys over a Sequence or business key.  This quick article will tell you how to enable it.  It is a hibernate specific [...]

What’s Next? Thick Framed Glasses and Skinny Jeans?

I said I would never do it. I would never own an iPhone. Not because I didn't think it was cool tech, but I just didn't want to be another iPhone drone. That, and I [...]

Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon

Every now and then I decide to wander off the Ubuntu reservation and look at other distros. Christmas is my favorite time to do this. I decided to give Linux Mint 16 [...]

JSF Sheet Component

I'm happy to announce a new open source project based on the excellent Handsontable jQuery UI component. The project provides a JSF Spreadsheet component with the following [...]

Mir vs Wayland: Choice is Good

So a few days ago, Phoronix published a performance comparison between XMir and Not surprisingly, XMir was slower in most of the tests. I say not surprising, because [...]

Ubuntu and Alienware

Looks like you can now purchase an Alienware PC with Ubuntu. This is a big deal for the Linux Desktop, even if you are not a [...]

Unit Testing EE6 with OpenEJB

I'm currently working on an EE6 project and one of the items we had to tackle early on is writing unit tests for our CDI beans. We started by using Arquillian, but honestly, [...]